Pain Free Movement (in danish: smertefribevæ contacted us about having their website speed optimized. An exciting task, which we started shortly after.
The speed optimization gave good results and to this day Painless Movement can benefit from having a lightning fast website that can take their website to new heights.
Read on if you would like to learn more about this case.
Pain Free Movement: What do they offer?
They offer active, modern and in-depth treatment for people who have some form of pain problem.
Denne behandling kan fåes i form af individuel behandling eller online behandling. Dertil tilbyder Smertefri bevægelse også, at du kan blive certificeret smertebehandler, samt at du kan deltage i workshops, som kan lære dig mere om smertebehandling.
You can also listen to their podcast, watch their knowledge videos and read their interesting blog posts on the website of the Pain Free Movement.
A speed optimization is important to them, as their business and revenue is based on their ability to generate organic and paid traffic to their website.
Case: Tailored optimization of the website
The goal of making a speed optimization of Painless Movement was therefore to get their speeds at the very top, so that they, among other things, can benefit from:
- A higher quality score
- A lower bounce rate
- More organic traffic
The process: Fast, efficient and painless
Nikolaj, who has Painless Movement, made a fantastic review on Trustpilot (in danish) after the speed optimisation, where he describes the process as a “quick, efficient and painless speed optimisation. Warm recommendation from here”.
That was our experience as well. After the Pain Free Movement contacted us, we immediately set about optimizing their website.
A few days later, their website was fully optimized and the optimization did not create a second of downtime.
The results: Results that open up new possibilities
As you can see above, the optimization resulted in good results for Especially on the mobile speed, where the website has gone from 36/100 to 97/100, Painless Movement will be able to feel a big difference.
The new speeds entail, other things being equal, i.a.:
- Higher conversion rate
- Lower bounce rate
- Higher rankings on Google
- Higher Quality Scores
In addition, the new speeds will also give their visitors, especially on mobile, a better experience.
Should we speed optimize your website?
With data from Google PageSpeed Insights, you can investigate whether your website needs thorough speed optimization. At Riised, we have developed a calculator which is built on Google’s data, but makes it easy and quick for you to examine your page’s speed. You can test the speed of your website here.
Viser det sig, at hastigheden på din hjemmeside holder siden fra at opnå sit fulde potentiale, så er det bare med at hive fat i os hurtigst muligt, så vi kan hjælpe dig. Du kan kontakte os her.